Empty Spaces

I began a complex puzzle the day that I was born,
The macro image unraveling as the years went on.
Personal triumphs and successes revealing segments of the whole,
While challenges and obstacles waged a war on my soul.
Fragments emerged over time that ultimately did not fit,
Yet my heart clung to the possibility, the menacing “what if”.
Empty spaces cannot be filled with things that are innately hollow,
We must take a breath, soldier on, and bear the pain of letting go.
Like a nomad in the desert searching for an oasis,
I too sought refuge in unfamiliar places.
Pieces of my identity scattered across time and space,
A journey towards self-discovery that can never be replaced.
Life is an unpredictable sequence of highs and lows,
Our reaction to these phases determines how it goes.
Carry on I must, until my puzzle becomes clear,
Completed by those final pieces, I continue to hold dear.


lights flicker in the distance intriguing the eyes,
illuminating the mind with wondrous thoughts.
fingers outline the ephemeral glow,
yearning to define the distant unknown.
soles tread the feeble ground inching toward oblivion,
sweaty palms indicative of an unwise decision.
hearts reject what is for what could be,
for dreaming in the daytime is ultimate ecstasy.

Port Dreams

Bare feet imprint destinies upon ever changing sands,
Gazing eyes scan the horizon imagining untouched lands.
Hearts race to the rhythm of waves crashing on shore,
Moist hands clasp the charted course,  adventure is in store.

Virgin travellers evoke sighs of fear as sails lift into the sky,
The comforts of home foregone, oblivion their new ally.
Veteran voyagers eager to embrace the rumbling of the sea,
Their spirits high in paradise, longing to be free.

Conflicting emotions permeate the air converging into one,
Blending with melodic precision on a unilateral mission.
Explorers en masse overshadowing preconceived fear,
Gracefully gliding through currents, a destination unclear.


The enlightening of the conscience,
An orientation toward the conscious,
A transformation of the inward,
Illumination by Divine word.

Stagnant without practice,
Like the night without day,
Blind faith with no soul,
An inevitable black hole.

The mind in perpetual motion,
Decryption revealing endless oceans,
Socratic synthesis of time,
A boundless existence, a life sublime.

The freedom of the mind,
The soaring of the soul,
A heart exploding with possibilities,
A story beginning to unfold.


I struggle to be present.
To give all of me in every moment, completely exposed,
Bottled up emotions ready to implode,
Censored speech and actions, concerned with repercussions,
Lost in my life, a drop in an ocean.

Not sure who I am, and what is it that I love,
Often forgetting my soul, and my Lord up above,
Yearning to break free from the shackles of fear,
Always myself, not just with those I hold dear.

Like a child in a womb, embraced by its mother,
I long to find the me inside myself,
To live each moment as though it was my last,
To pray for my future, and learn from my past.

So I struggle.
Fighting the resistance controlling my head,
Searching for me amongst the chaos instead,
Finding solace in God, the One who knows me best,
To be present. That is my test.


A melancholy blue and gray mist of confusion,
Venturing each day to escape the illusion,
The symmetry and imagery of this world, a delusion,
A means to an end, not at all the conclusion,
Wander your psyche alone, in seclusion,
Unfolding, untangling, unraveling the solution,
The blue and gray clouds parting, escaping retribution,
Revealing the light, exposing internal evolution.


Rivers flow from sunken earth,
Cascading downstream to find their worth.
Flowing toward barren lands, lacking adequate care,
With close observation finding a sapling struggling there.
Soil nourish the bounty that was created within you,
Soak in the sun’s rays, and the replenishing morning dew.
No need to alter the contents inside,
For within you glory and life reside.


Leaving tracks across desert sands, only to wander aimlessly into the abyss.
Searching for a destination beyond the tangible, the physical, the material space.
Souls colliding and dividing again, so is the cycle of blood, lovers and friends.
Alas, recognizing our souls are meant for more eternal bonds.
Bonds held together by everlasting chains, interlinked up till heavens gates.
Temporal and fleeting all in this world remains, but our existence seeks an infinite flame.
Illuminate the depths of your curiosity, exploring the unknown of what it means to be, made.
But by Who, and for what? Questions unanswered by complacency.

Seek explanation from the existence around you, for the Creator of the bee has surely made me.
Each entity more complex than the other, an order perfectly pieced together beyond the limited perception of our faculties.
See, the intricacies that manifest around you.  The perfection of this universe will truly astound you.
Explore deep into the crevasses of your self, for in these cracks there is a parallel to the rest.
Created, that is what humans are, and our Source is waiting for us to respond.