
Deliverance from the confines of the casual.
Freedom from clusters compounded by convenience.
Emancipation from reactions like robotic code.
Linear liberation into an exponential abode.
Synchronized soulmates meant for immortality.
Illuminated hearts amidst shadowy normality.
Mutual love lingering from stories untold.
A physical manifestation making a half a whole.

Eternal Bliss

I dream of perpetual, eternal bliss,
Of sincere smiles, and true love’s kiss,
Where eyes glisten like stars in the never ending abyss,
I dream of perpetual, eternal bliss.

Longing for fond memories reemerging into existence,
Reminding our hearts of the fallacy of distance,
Reflecting on heaven and the seat reserved for our souls,
Accompanied by halves who make our hearts whole.

Alas, glimmers of paradise do exist in this time,
Visible to those whose faith and life align,
Their minds affixed to the universe’s endless possibilities,
Their hearts appeased with Earth’s beautiful subtleties.

I dream of perpetual, eternal bliss,
Of sincere smiles, and true love’s kiss,
Aware of the plan much better than mine,
Where my heart is consumed in space and beyond time.

Port Dreams

Bare feet imprint destinies upon ever changing sands,
Gazing eyes scan the horizon imagining untouched lands.
Hearts race to the rhythm of waves crashing on shore,
Moist hands clasp the charted course,  adventure is in store.

Virgin travellers evoke sighs of fear as sails lift into the sky,
The comforts of home foregone, oblivion their new ally.
Veteran voyagers eager to embrace the rumbling of the sea,
Their spirits high in paradise, longing to be free.

Conflicting emotions permeate the air converging into one,
Blending with melodic precision on a unilateral mission.
Explorers en masse overshadowing preconceived fear,
Gracefully gliding through currents, a destination unclear.


Darkness dissipates at day break,
Unveiling the reality of the eve.
Rays radiant from beating hearts,
Awakened by a most difficult parting.
Unrequited feelings exist as mortal enemies of ease,
But with expressed truth there lies an all encompassing peace.
With time do all wounds heal, so is the way of things,
Hopes of a cherished friendship to remain, and the overwhelming joy it brings.

Dreams of Utopia

Blue hues erupt above cotton candy clouds,
Green rolling hills havens for those thinking aloud.
Ideas permeate the air like smoke from a chimney,
One puff destructive, while another is an epiphany.
Hearts consumed with dreams of a better tomorrow,
One free of injustice, lives free of sorrow.
Eyes tinkle at images of utopia in fast forward,
Where the character of man supersedes the outward.
A world in which love is blind and hate is mute,
Where understanding and compromise solve every dispute.
Where wars are historical events fading from memory,
Poverty and discrimination not an ever present reality.
Hands clasped under moons turning to faith,
For a day when one’s birth doesn’t determine their place.
Yet in this present the struggle still continues,
Each small act of kindness unravelling the truth.


The enlightening of the conscience,
An orientation toward the conscious,
A transformation of the inward,
Illumination by Divine word.

Stagnant without practice,
Like the night without day,
Blind faith with no soul,
An inevitable black hole.

The mind in perpetual motion,
Decryption revealing endless oceans,
Socratic synthesis of time,
A boundless existence, a life sublime.

The freedom of the mind,
The soaring of the soul,
A heart exploding with possibilities,
A story beginning to unfold.

The Challenge

Souls diverging from bodies granting new perspective,
While the physical is depleting, the immortal’s reflective.
Eyes wide open, once plagued with singular vision,
Old hearts bleeding and scarred, now embracing remission.
Minds mortified by media spreading mayhem and malice,
Paired angels documenting the meticulous madness.
Breath launching from lungs, legs finally in flight,
Embracing the arena, striving for unreachable heights.
Optimism overwhelms, silencing the skeptics,
The triumph is tangible, challenge accepted.


I struggle to be present.
To give all of me in every moment, completely exposed,
Bottled up emotions ready to implode,
Censored speech and actions, concerned with repercussions,
Lost in my life, a drop in an ocean.

Not sure who I am, and what is it that I love,
Often forgetting my soul, and my Lord up above,
Yearning to break free from the shackles of fear,
Always myself, not just with those I hold dear.

Like a child in a womb, embraced by its mother,
I long to find the me inside myself,
To live each moment as though it was my last,
To pray for my future, and learn from my past.

So I struggle.
Fighting the resistance controlling my head,
Searching for me amongst the chaos instead,
Finding solace in God, the One who knows me best,
To be present. That is my test.